Lexy Moore

Lexy is a leading Psychic Medium and Spiritual & Intuitive Development Coach. Over the last decade, Lexy has trained more than 5,000 psychics and healers around the world. After many years of teaching intuition one-on-one Lexy has now started offering group workshops and retreats to enable more people to learn these valuable skills.

Lexy's unique approach to the spirit realm allows individuals and professionals to master a deep level of personal connection and intuition mastery.

Her soul's mission is to bring awareness of the soul and divine love to people and help them not only to change their lives but to navigate and make aligned decisions for their lives. She specialises in a range of topics such as: advanced channelling, intuition, self-love, ego management, business and health. 

In her spare time, she hugs trees, dances, trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and hangs out with her husband.